

Iron Castings - Sep 16, 2020

在Waupaca铸造厂实现更好的砂温控制| Solex热科学

Jamie Zachary | Foundrymag

在Waupaca铸造厂实现更好的砂温控制| Solex热科学

Waupaca铸造 leverages the advantages of heat-exchange technology to reduce scrap/salvage rates and offset sand-additive costs.

在铸造作业中, consistent sand-temperature control during coremaking is essential to maintaining process costs, 产品台架寿命, 整体素质. 然而,这种温度一致性也是最难实现的.

在美国的大部分地区, swings in seasonal temperatures can cause upward of 70°F changes to core-room incoming sand temperature. Those temperature variations are further magnified when the sand-delivery system is running intermittently, or disruptions occur in the foundry process that results in sand over-cooling or over-heating.

In some cases, the installed process equipment and corresponding control system is just not capable of providing the required temperature control. Not having this control can result in productivity loss, core scrap, and casting scrap and rework.

铸造业, traditionally, 从来没有很好的温度控制铸造砂,马克·霍夫曼说, MT系统公司工艺工程师/项目经理., an Ohio-based company that has deep roots in the foundry industry as a system integrator, 项目经理和铸造设备供应商.

“传统的加热铸造砂的方法是通过煅烧棒加热器, 冷却的时候, 带冷却盘管的流化床. Yet the coils are always running either way hotter or way cooler than what you want your outlet temperature to be in order to adjust the sand temperature in a short amount of time.

“问题是几乎每一个铸造应用程序都是一个启动/停止运行. 你不是在以连续的速度跑沙子. 当你停止/开始时, 你会在下次跑步时让沙子过热,因为沙子就在那里变热. 或者天气太冷了. 所以,你总是在追自己的尾巴. 多年来,人们一直对传统的加热器或冷却器不满意.”

在过去的六年里, the pursuit of more consistent sand temperature control in the coremaking process has been cited as the driving force behind the increased adoption of indirect vertical plate technology by one of the world’s largest independent iron foundries.

威尼斯注册送38元, 在沃帕卡有三家铸造厂, WI, 2014年开始为3号工厂规划一条新的生产线, 所有的选择都摆在桌面上, 亚当·库尔舍夫斯基回忆道, 2/3工厂助理生产经理-制芯.

Prior to 2014, 威尼斯注册送38元依赖于前面提到的那些, 冷却沙子的传统方法, 铸造前以管壳式换热器的形式. Yet, Kurszewski指出,这些单位无法应对不断增长的产能需求, in addition to requiring ongoing maintenance and struggling in producing consistent sand temperatures.

“In this case, it was a brownfield development that saw the installation of a new line for our core room, 包括所有的组件. It made sense also to look for better options to handle both increased throughput and offer more accurate sand-temperature control. 追求新技术有多种原因。.

威尼斯注册送38元及其项目合作伙伴MT系统公司聘请了Solex热科学公司, 散装固体热交换领域的全球领导者, 解决其芯砂温度控制问题. The Canadian company specializes in the applications of indirect vertical plate technology and has more than 600 projects active in more than 50 countries.

“Our units keep the working fluid separate from the sand and conduct the heat indirectly through the sand bed. This results in a very accurate and consistent temperature of sand delivered to the sand mixing operation,斯科特·哈里斯解释道, 区域主任, 美国的Solex热科学公司, emphasizing that the sand particles flow uniformly by gravity between the hollow stainless-steel plates with the working fluid flowing counter-current to the sand within those plates.

温度控制—— Harris likens the indirect heat exchanger to a temperature-controlled sand-conditioning system that ensures core-sand temperature can be focused within 1°F – even with ambient temperature fluctuations. This drastically improves on the incumbent technology where sand temperatures could vary by as much as 20°F.

“在沃帕卡案中, what we found we really liked about these heat exchangers is you set the temperature for what you’re trying to have as an output sand temperature, 它和你的水温相匹配——正负几度,” Hoffman said. “你不会反抗它. 你不会过度补偿或补偿不足.

“没有必要对进入的砂温做出反应. 如果进来的沙子温度从今天的80华氏度变为明天的60华氏度, 只要我们适当地调整了进来的沙子的温度范围, 这个小组会处理好一切. 它提供了必要的保留时间来处理温度波动, so you don’t have to guess an operating setpoint to try to get the temperature you need.”

安装注意事项 进入换热器前, 沙子通过加压空气输送到接收料斗, 哪些会进入Solex的进料斗. 料斗的设计可以根据空气或斗式进料的选择而变化, 限制高度, 进气能力增强,无需单独的接收料斗. 用于Waupaca安装, 气动输送器将沙子输送到安装在Solex换热器上方的料斗中.

A sufficient volume of sand is required before the heat-exchanger plates in order to keep a constant feed of sand to the heat exchanger, 以防供应中断.  容量通常设计为15至30分钟的供应, 这取决于铸造厂的运营策略.

在沃帕卡案中, the heat-exchanger casing is mounted below the heat exchanger bank using standard support brackets. Mid-bank supports are another option for suspending the heat exchanger from a foundry upper floor.

The sand-discharge flow rate is managed by a vibratory feeder regulated by the MT Systems control, 多少米的沙子进入批量称重斗之前,它进入搅拌机. 刀门给料机也可用.

Working fluid supply and controls are required to heat or cool the sand depending on the target temperature and desired flow rate of sand. 流体模块和冷水机和/或锅炉系统可以添加, 视设施的辅助系统资源而定. 在沃帕卡的情况下,工厂的热水和冷水都是可用的.

System controls to maintain fluid temperatures in heating or cooling modes under all operating conditions also are integrated into the facility control schemes. 单独的热交换器流体控制是另一种选择.

质量控制和成本优势 用新的交换器, Waupaca has realized several important and significant quality improvements and cost reductions thanks to reduced core scrap and rework of cores. Casting scrap and salvage also have been minimized thanks to the optimized use of sand binders.

Kurszewski指出,自从完成Solex砂调节器安装后, Waupaca铸造 has reduced mold/core scrap rates by 33% and offset sand-additive costs by 10%.

“这很有意义,”霍夫曼解释道. “你必须记住,在制作化学粘合的核心或模具时, sand is mixed with a small blend of ingredients that includes chemical binders – and, in some cases, 也可能包括催化剂和干添加剂. The ingredients in many of the chemically bonded systems begin a chemical-reaction hardening process before being discharged from the mixer to the sand hopper.”

He added that sand temperature plays a significant role in how quickly or slow that hardening process takes place: This is the bench life of the mixed sand prior to blowing a core.

“如果沙子太热或太冷, the amount of ingredients (catalyst in the case of the warm-box process) added needs to be adjusted, 哪些因素会导致铸件质量不一致, 以及原材料的浪费. Yet, 如果你把更精确的食谱和更好的温度控制结合起来, 你将有一个更精细的过程和更少的废料.”

继沃帕卡3号厂三个Solex冷却器成功运行后, 3号厂又增加了3个机组, 1号核电站也在威斯康辛, 以及位于泰尔市的威尼斯注册送38元5号厂的另外4家工厂, IN.


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