

威尼斯注册送38元 - 12月16日

所有 Hands on Deck For Critical Cupola Replacement

詹妮尔贝利 | Waupaca铸造

积极的计划和远见, 总合作, and effective communication resulted in success for a staggering undertaking: replacing one of two cupolas at Waupaca铸造 Plant 5 in Tell City, 印第安纳州, 而且是在四周内. 整个项目被执行, 尽管这确实是一项“艰巨的努力”,布鲁斯·特施如是说, Director of Melt and Manufacturing 过程es, essentially due to the steady and dedicated efforts of all involved.

Waupaca铸造 Tell City employees working on a Cupola replacement 

While the work of the cupola replacement itself was paused for budgetary reasons in 2020, the project began in 2019 and was completed over several phases. Communication and collaboration were paramount among plant engineering, 维护, 操作, 销售人员, 还有多达15个外部承包商. Plant 5 Project Engineer Dave Bean and a team of engineering peers, 库特纳北美工程师, 雅各布斯工程结构工程师, 和Azco工业承包商, along with the melt and 维护 departments and others worked collaboratively to ensure the successful completion of the entire project. “This was very much like the assembly of a medical team collaborating on a critical heart transplant, the cupola even being the heart of the foundry,戴夫·比恩说。.

Having been installed and in use since the opening of Plant 5 in 1996, the cupola was aged and beyond further necessary 维护; this cupola is responsible for ductile iron production. The capital investment included several additional smaller projects, such as changing the separator and replacing the burners with a modern, 更高效的风格, as well as installing a new oxygen system, changing the design for heavy particle processing. The project concluded with the legacy cupola being dismantled and removed and the new cupola installed—而且都在屋顶上.

The cupola replacement meant a temporarily reduction in plant production by half, presenting some supply risk to customer and manufacturers’ gray and ductile iron casting demand. A tremendous amount of work was completed ahead of time and by everyone involved to minimize risk. The goal was aggressive: replace the cupola in just four weeks. It was successful in large part because of the preparation done leading up to the December 2021 shutdown. Both the sales and customer service teams worked in advance with buyers to determine iron casting supply needs, and build inventory to keep manufacturers running. 其他 plants also assisted in bank builds resulting in on-time deliveries and no line down situations.

Plant 5 Engineering Manager Shane Hubert and Plant Manager Cody Rhodes-Dawson collaborated to lead the engineering and design teams’ work throughout the project. The cupola replacement undertaking included a number of additional improvements and 升级s to plant processes benefiting both sustainability and utilization targets.

项目工程师, 设计师, and plant personnel collaborated constantly and led a strict schedule for the cupola replacement to be executed in phases. While budgetary constraints prohibited some 升级s from the initial visionary plan, much of the necessary prep work was done during typical shutdowns. The major installation of the cupola occurred as pieces were moved through the roof. This necessitated accuracy of envisioning the turns and angles by which the largest pieces and parts could be rotated, 搬进来, 然后再安装. This was such an act of precision and one piece of the cupola rubbed both sides of the roof upon entry, 但没有造成任何伤害.

Utilizing CAD drawings of the cupola’s new location as well as a contractor’s Point Cloud diagrams – a laser overlay on Plant 5’s CAD drawings and providing the most minute measurements – made certain that every detail was addressed, given the critical egress when moving the cupola parts in. During that discovery phase, it was also learned that a new foundation for the cupola was necessary. The new foundation was poured and cured ahead of the cupola installation, resulting in no additional shutdown time or project creep.

12月23日, 2021, 1月23日, 2022, the old cupola was removed and the new cupola delivered, 而且都在屋顶上. The new cupola was then constructed and installed, ready for iron pour tap in four weeks rather than five. (And actually, the cupola was up and running even two days ahead of the four-week mark.) Herculean success on this critical “transplant” and its many additional parts, with kudos to all individuals involved and each doing top-notch teamwork, uniting and collaborating toward this extremely well-executed capital project at Waupaca铸造 Plant 5. Thanks to them, Plant 5’s cupola beats…fires…on!
#铁铸造 #tellcity #升级

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